Original Description:
Celestia: “I think you took this costume competition a bit too far, sister.”Luna: “I didn’t k0ow that the spell wasn’t g0oing to affect me like thi…”
Luna: “Moo? mooo moo!”Celestia: *“My, my! Luna, it’s like you’re actually asking me to help you out here to wear off this spell.
I think this could work out better in that case.”Luna: Moo?~ *Artist Request from Lunar58 from twitter: https://twitter.com/LuNArSFM57Geek Stuff:Body from Revamped Community (Luna model was retextured and “head-hacked”): https://www.deviantart.com/aeridiccore/art/DL-NSFW-Cow Stuff from here: : https://www.patreon.com/posts/36459989
Props:Milk Machine: http://www.mediafire.com/download/9j2z15dmxkk3ach/Milk_Machine.zip
Bed: https://sfmlab.com/project/28349/
Walls and other props:https://mega.nz/#!J3J0ECJY!kko39u7u1XbhIjHVsgF99969A4jBt4DxQ7a2L_-HgjQ