Whisper Dust is a 42 year old pegasus stallion originally hailing from Trottingham and now living and working in Manehattan as a janitor for the Royal Bank of Manehattan’s headquarters. A private and quiet stallion who perpetually appears to be tired and/or bored out of his skull, he is still very well regarded and respected within the bank and its staff.
Whisper isn’t just a name to him. It is a lifestyle. He slips through life unnoticed, is rather softly spoken, and intensely private. That being said, he does indeed have a few good friends that he cares about. Everypony else in his life is either an acquaintance or somepony just passing by. And that’s just the way he likes it. Not for him are extravagant parties or social occasions - he’d much rather spend time with his friends in a bar.
When he does speak, he may come across as abrupt or terse, but this is more due to his unusual cadence of speech, more than any ill will on his part. Despite how utterly done with life he sounds,he is actually happy and content in his life and employment.
Despite the fact that he is more than skilled and able enough to work a far more well paying position, Whisper always turns down these opportunities, citing that he’s “happy enough where I am, thanks.”
Physically, he is a little above average height for a pegasus stallion and a touch underweight but suffers no long-term ailments or conditions. He isn’t a particularly fast flyer but has immense stamina and a wing-shape that benefits long-distance flights, coupled with decent airborne agility.
He doesn’t have any known family left and lives alone in a small but well-appointed apartment in Central Manehattan. He is known to live frugally in general, but he does smoke the non-carcinogenic Equestrian cigarettes, to a habit of 10-20 per day. He does not drink alcohol very often, but prefers ales and stouts when he does indulge - and has a soft spot for honey mead when he can get it.
When it comes to more personal matters, Whisper Dust is technically heterosexual but shows very little interest in sex or relationships at all at present. However, it is known that he frankly couldn’t care less about the species of a partner… Well, when he is even in the mood at all, that is.
To him, his quiet little corner of life is a precious and sacred thing, and he would do anything within reason to maintain his current status quo. He does not like change very much at all, naturally, yet he is more adaptable than he gives himself credit for- the move from Trottingham to Manehattan is a dead giveaway to this.
He is not confident, he is not outgoing, he will NEVER be the life of the party- but when the world gets crazy, Whisper will help out in his own little way.