Por cierto: MLP:FIM es propiedad de Hasbro, y fue adaptado para la TV por Lauren Faust… Este fic ha sido hecho sin ningn nimo de lucro. Cualquier semejanza con personas (o Ponys) Vivas o muertas es mera coincidencia.
Yes… I’m still working in my comic ;D Traduction of this page:
Grayworm- As I awoke I gathered all my troops, We don’t have any injuries, and my subordinates are ready to obey your orders, My Queen!
Rattlesnake-My warriors are gathering right now with the Grayworm’s troops behind the hills, without any casualties to report my Lady.
Cockroach- COF!, I’m having mental contact with my commanders … COF! Apparently no one of my warriors as injuried, and we eat a lot before we was defeated, Ho, my Queen …COF!
Chrysi- Exelent!, that Confirms the mental impressions that I receive from the troops since I woke up … we are not only in great form… I get a lot of power to achieve, not only of Shining Armor, I Obtain a lot of love of Celestia when I caught her in the cocoon of extraction …
Chrysi- The plan is still on, my generals, once we conquer Canterlot, Equestria’s falling is matter of time … the Ponies gonna sleep in the extraction cocoons, and they will live an stupid and happy illusion, while we reap their love …
Chrysi- The race of Changelings it’s gonna grow glorious, and those Ponies are gonna have a kinder fate than they deserve …
Chrysi- Prepare the troops for the attack! … Now, that they believe we are defeated… surely overcome their defenses down!
BTW: MLP: FIM is owned by Hasbro, and was adapted for television by Lauren Faust … This fic has been done without any profit motive. Any resemblance to persons (or Ponys) living or dead is purely coincidental.