At the direction of the queen, the royal science division has been tasked with creating and maintaining an ongoing space program. A big challenge of this came in the form of the technology needed to get into orbit.
The royal scientists managed to come up with a new kind of spellstone, a ‘space stone’ as they called it. These spellstones, while very expensive and very delicate, also housed many times the amount of raw power found in normal stones.
With these space stones Stellaria was able to build a space program, putting a space station into orbit.
The station, called ‘Equis-1’ , serves as an observatory as well as orbiting science station. Ponies onboard wear high tech latex space suits, with coloring and markings corresponding to their individual role on the station.
The suits all have built in latex tail covers, and with the use of a fully encasing latex hood which seals to the suit, EVA operations can be conducted when needed.
-Gold/red- Engineering and maintenance
-Purple/pink- Medical and sexual science
-teal/blue- Logistics