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Original Description:
Hellow Everypony !
As you migth noticed, last month has been pretty empty in term of drawing and activities, especially for a spooky month. I think I have been stuck with my creativity and maybe my faith. I know I had always said that if I didn’t drew that much its because of lack of time and other excuses but I’m tired to pretend I’m ok. I’m not really ok, I’m anxious, nervous and I feel like things has less matter than they should have. I understand if you’re not easy to read my problems and I don’t want to vent here, just to be honest, for you and for me.
Being an artist especially on the internet is like running in the fog. We have no idea of what will happen nor if we’ll find something or if someone will find us. So yeah, I’m full of doubt and concern. Maybe too much. I think I have rush a lot of project that had more or less importance for me and… I think I might have lose my pleasure doing them. I don’t like that. I don’t like the feeling that I have to push myself more and more everyday to get the work done. I blame no one, except myself.
A few day ago, I didn’t post this monthly post as usual because I wanted to done a draw. A draw a little more special than usal. A draw where I really tried to expresse my feelings. Dolly, in a torned dress, looking in the sky with a lot of hope. I know now how I feel and I feel brave enough to just share it with the consequences it might give. People may though I did it to attract some attention but it’s really not the case. It’s just me, opening a window of my being.
I don’t want to make fake promiss and say thing like “I’ll draw more, I’m back on it”. I just promiss one thing. I’ll try to get as much pleasure as before when I’m holding a pen. And maybe, just maybe… because of that all will be coming together.
Your Truthfully,
Princess Davie (modifié)
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