Original Description:
So here comes the first part that drives into AJs story in my next gen! I am pretty lazy regarding writing long texts right now so this might be a bit shorter. Also it’s just a rough sketch bc I don’t feel comfortable rn clean lining ._. but oh my god it is so good to draw ponies again TwTSo about the story…AJ wasn’t ever really into dating up until adulthood. She simply didn’t have the time considering her being very busy with the apple farm and stuff. But she also never really felt the need to.
As she got older and all her friends around her started dating, having relationships etc. it was really more of a motivator for her to throw herself into work. Leaving her exhausted at the end of the day.
Eventually her friends, especially Rainbow, started to worry that she’d bite off more than she could chew. So they convinced her to take a lil break and take a few “vacation days” at her cousin’s.
Arriving at Appleloosa one pony she didn’t expect to meet was Flim. Of course she wasn’t at all happy about meeting him again. Most of the day she tried to get out of his way, not wanting to let him ruin her time out.Long story short. They eventually met at the town’s bar getting into a really hot headed argument. But under all the resentment and anger there was that strange spark that just happened to sparkle up time and time again… or was it the alcohol in the cider? At a certain point they couldn’t really tell anymore. They were so good at arguing you could almost say there was chemistry.
Which didn’t hold longer than one night together. And as AJ was waking up, Flim was nowhere to be found.Could you tell I lost motivation in writing the story halfway in? I’m pretty sure u can xd but it’s all there is to know really c.c
Im gonna flesh out Flim & Flams Story more in future drawings, just throwing in peaces to start with. You are free to speculate tho.
Also I just realized I didn’t color the cup’s outlines. Or the tables. Wups.
Oh and I also gave Flim some brown stripes bc why not. All in all I changed almost nothing in his design.Anyway, hope u like it! <33