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18th Feb 2023, 6:00 AM in What About Discord?The big villainous “NOOO!” is one of the big payoffs for your players, so I’m definitely in the camp of “Put every ounce of ham into it.”
DM: As these things go, it starts relatively small. A single band of pastel-colored magic springs out and connects to Tirek. Then another, then another… One for each of you. Then, finally, all the bands come together nad join into a full rainbow beam – a new rainbow from within, all of it focused on Tirek.
Twilight Sparkle: Just remember, Tirek: All the magic in the world doesn’t compare to the magic that is… *FRIENDSHIP!*
Tirek: Grrrrrrngh…! Nnnggghhh…! ***NOOOOOO*OOOOOO*OOOOOO*oooooo!
Discord: Nine out of ten. Going under the table was a nice touch.
DM: Whew… Thank you.