In an alternate timeline, ruled by the eternal night of Nightmare Moon, the dark princess of the night negotiate a Peace Treaty with her greatest rival, Queen Chrysalis of the Changelings. To ensure their lasting peace, both exchange a sacrifical tribute…
Cadence’s Scream “WAAA! LET ME OUT OF HERE! YOU’LL PAY FOR THIS! (And give me back my crown!) SOMEPONY HELP!!”
Queen Chrysalis 3 “Bye, new Best Friend~ And thank you so much for this LOVELY gift~”
:iconhappynmm2plz: “My pleasure~ Come and visit again soon, girlfriend~”
Thorax Icon “My Queen! What about me? So um… Should I just stay here then, my Queen? …Yeah.”
Oh dear… :sweatdrop: revamp v2 Hopefully Cadence and Thorax won’t suffer too much. Being trapped in their own little nightmares for the rest of their lives. I suppose that’s how pony life is now in the dark multiverse ^^ Perhaps there may yet be a “glimmer” of hope? At this point, not for a while… :sweatdrop: revamp v2 :sweatdrop: revamp v2 :sweatdrop: revamp v2 Thanks Starlight.
iconstarlightreallyplz: “What??! Me? But…” :iconstarlightsuspectingplz: “Sigh! Sometimes I regret using that Time Spell…”
Requested by :iconsyncromind:
Queen Chrysalis’s smile “By the way… How did you make Princess Cadance small like that?”
:iconhappynmm2plz: “Easy. I used an Age Spell. My personal favorite. But how did you get her out of you and into that cocoon?”
Queen Chrysalis 6 “It’s… um… It’s complicated…”