Original Description:
Yelrah doesn’t like her mother. Yelrah hates her.As I’ve said before, Yelrah was an arranged plan for the next heir in line in Yakyakistan. Celestia and Rutherford are friends, so she stepped up. But Yelrah would always be kept within the walls of Yakyakistan, raised just like a yak would. She would never visit Canterlot, never visit her mother or step siblings, and Celestia would never have to take care of her. Celestia has only visited her twice; once as a small foal and once as a young adult. Their second encounter didn’t go very well.
Yelrah was just a hurdle for Celestia. She runs from her past.
Recently she’s been trying to mend their relationship, but Yelrah isn’t having it.Yelrah doesn’t like her mother. Yelrah hates her.