Astrid Borghildsdóttir is a 23 year old Northlander doe, who though technically a farmer, she is also a student Volva to Runa The Undying, and is actively practising Seidr under her precise and exacting tutelage.
She comes from a large family of farmers, and she does work the fields and plots as expected of her. When she is not farming, she can almost always be found with Runa, whether that is with the fawns or in the Temple. She is known as a gentle giant within her village, but don’t let this fool you as like most Northlanders, Astrid is trained with a spear and shield, and owns weapons and armour.
Physically, Astrid is freakishly large and strong for a deer of any subspecies, nearly approaching the size of Princess Celestia. Her heavy and demanding farm work has been very good for her physique, and keeps her incredibly fit and trim. She is considered to be tough for a farmer, and has had a full and extensive education- rare for a Northlander.
As for her personality, she is unusual in that she is equally at home among her own people or among others. Runa is grooming Astrid for an Ambassadorial role in the future, once Astrid has gained a solid foothold in the hierarchy of her village’s political system. Remarkably relaxed in nature, and notably slow to anger, Astrid has a large and diverse circle of friends from many social standings.
She dreams of the day when her training is complete, and she will be able to explore the world and meet creatures of many different species and cultures. The leaves and twigs in her mane are simply decorative only, but they are enchanted for longevity.
Astrid is considered a pretty girl, but her size is actually intimidating to many of the Stags in the village. They have a nickname for her- Valkyrie. Astrid is aware of this, and embraces the connotations of it. She is heterosexual, and a closeted xenophile. She knows exactly what she is, but has always kept it to herself- not wanting to scandalise her more conservative people who most likely wouldn’t support her if she took a non-Northlander partner.
Astrid is a devotee of Odin, just like Runa the Undying. Her own Seidr manifests through rune casting and helping crops grow more rapidly in the frigid climate of the Frozen North- much like the earth-pony connection to the soil.