Nothing. Just a darkness. The soft, cool embrace of darkness. Time seemed to pass in an instant, and she was up soon. Everypony else was still asleep, and everything was still. I seemed that silence could easily be shattered, tangible even. Sitting up, she sighed gently, only to feel a soft hand on her side. More so from the shock, but still somewhat from her sensitivity, she cracked out a giggle and cutely shied away, only to see a human standing before her. The human in question appeared to be male, but the darkness of the room prevented her from discerning any other details. He gently leaned over her and gave her tummy a playful rub, provoking a blush and a habitual nibble on her sheet. Although he was… Odd, to say the least, he felt somewhat calming to be around. Perhaps he was just Discord in disguise, pulling a prank, but… That didn’t matter too much, now did it? For now, she’d enjoy the pleasurable rubs and teasing, whilst blushing furiously, her usually midnight blue cheeks a blazing red.
Grinning and giggling somewhat as the human creature rubbed, prodded, and tickled her belly, the Princess started to smile. “So, Princess, I gather that you’re ticklish%?” the human snickered, his voice soft and soothing as his movements were. He playfully wiggled a finger against her belly button, reducing her to a loud laugh as she playfully kicked her legs a little. “Th-Thou cannot make us submit!” Luna exclaimed, grinning fiercely against the sensations she felt. Surely a little playful challenging wouldn’t hurt? He seemed to take it to heart and slow then, provoking her to then say, “… Butthoucansurelytry.” As soon as the last word left her mouth, he was back at it, his soft but trimmed fingernails skittering across her soft belly. It’d been a while since she’d been so happy, admittedly, and it was tough to want it to end. It was almost hypnotic in a way, and each rubbed stimulated her to want to close her eyes in glee, but she knew doing so could change the feelings of the pleasure for a mere second, and so she just, absolutely must keep her eyes open to witness it. Those soft hands, feeling as though they may as well have been blasting pleasure into her body with every touch… It was amazing%
“Looks like Luna overslept again,” Celestia sighed, peering outside the window to see the moon still out when it should’ve been lowered. What was going on with that mare lately?