I’ve been drawing The Dazzlings from ‘Equestria Girls Rainbow Rocks’, portrayed as Team Azula from ‘Avater: The Last Airbender’. I couldn’t help but draw this comparison upon watching the show, and I feel like a few are with me on this.
Azula is the fearless leader and founder of Team Azula. There is not a single thing on Earth she cares about more than being honored, adored and having dominion over everything. She will do everything in her ability to gain this power, even at the detriment of the people closest to her; her own best friends, Mai & Ty Lee. Nothing can stand in the way of her achieving ultimate hierarchy.
Adagio Dazzle, with her charismatic attitude, leadership status, unshakeable stride and thirst for adoration and godlike power, fits perfectly with the role of Azula.
The major difference between Azula and Adagio is that Adagio actually does care about her companions and was good natured about accepting life without ultimate power, as seen in ‘Sunset’s Backstage Pass’. In my eyes, The Dazzlings could have been like the good ending of Team Azula. Distrust and exile is what tore apart Azula’s band of specialists, but The Dazzlings have a thousand year sisterly bond that transcends self-interest and sour relationship. Everything they do, they are in it together no matter what.
If The Dazzlings were the Fire Nation’s elite squad instead of Azula, Ty Lee and Mai, would they have fought past what tore Team Azula apart and thrived in world domination? Who knows?
I hope you enjoy/enjoyed this series! I know I did ^^.
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