G1 ponies are old ponies. This is how I roll. brck’d
So, back in Gen1, there were these ponies called “Glow ’N Show Ponies”, and they were semi-transparent and they had little yellow/pink stars and hearts inside the plastic of their bodies that would glow in the dark. They only had one run of them, but I always thought they were kind of amazing.
Starglow is actually chilling on my desk right now, so that’s why I decided to draw her. :iconimhappyplz:
Although sweet merciful Celestia, WHY IS HER CUTIEMARK SO COMPLICATED? OTL The other three got shit like party hats, and doves, and umbrellas. But no Starglow, you had to be all “NAW MAN, MOONLIT CANDELABRAS AND PIANOS”. Ffffffff. DX
It has always been my headcanon that Luna should be bros with the Glow ’N Show ponies. Because I mean, seriously, PONIES MADE OF STARS. No one would appreciate the night more. shot