Original Description:
Strawberry Surprise G1Strawberry Suprise, one of the daughters of the six families maintained the old farmlands of Blossom. While most of her five other friends focused on making food to help stabilize equestrian after a large disappearance of alicorn powers leading to a food shortage, Strawberry came from the Suprise family who was in charge of keeping the farm in the green, as for while most of the farm was self sustained there was still the here and there of keeping things managable and keep track of cost for the few things they couldn’t manage themselves.Strawberry was always on top of organizing and eveningly distributing food out to all corners of Equestria as well as keep a fair but strong schedule to keep them moving forward. While she was harsh and strict she always told it to people straight, she understood things where hard and bared the burden of dealing with trouble and bad news and once in awhile giving people the business to try and help them understand why their doing what their doing. She was best known as Strawberry Suprise the Sincere.