Original Description:
::OC::See ya loser
Sea Swirl was walking
walked into a random earth pony
Random earth pony: Look where you are going.
Sea Swirl: ow ,did i walk into you.
Random earth pony: Yes you did.
Sea Swirl: so do you want me to say something or what.
Random earth pony gets annoyed
Random earth pony: Say sorry!
Sea Swirl: oke.
Sea Swirl fly’s in the air
Sea Swirl: See Ya loser
Random earth pony: YOU STUPID PEGASUS
!!I DO own the OC!!
all the rights of this Oc belongs to:
Programs i used:
-Paint tool sai
-Windows paint
-Trust mouse
-Drawing tablet {Wacom}
Base i used:
MLP base 139 by Richardinya
Base was made by:
FREE flying hearts Icon Love you all my Angels FREE flying hearts Icon
Thank you all so much for the support you all gave me
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