“We’re missing fluttershy and discord.” Twilight spoke as all the mane six were there except for the two.
Everypony looked around.
Pinkie shrugged “ maybe they’re not coming?”
Twilight “No. They would have sent a note.”
“Y’all got to remember, they just had a baby.” Apple jack said
“Yeah but-“ the sound of magic interrupted as twilight spike.
They all brought their attention to the magic opening a portal revealing both fluttershy and discord with a big baby holder holding there little girl.
“Fluttershy! Discord!” They all said in unison.
“Sorry we’re late. We had a rough morning..” fluttershy smiled as warmly as she could hiding behind the shame of being late for a meeting.
“It’s alright sugar cube.” Apple jack reassured “ baby life taken a toll on ya huh?” She smiled and look up at discord who could barely keep his eyes open.
“Yes. The baby life is simply amazing.” Discord grinned slightly and went back to frowning.
“Oh dissy.” Flutterhsy smiled and stroked his back gently.