Spike and Gabby feel like soulmates … and solemates. On Hearts & Hooves Day, they felt ready to take their relationship to a more serious level. Gabby wanted to try a special thing that gryphons often do in moments they long for love: licking each other’s feet. Dragons often do the same thing, which Spike learned from Smolder. It isn’t always an act of romance; sometimes it’s just between friends. Just the same, Spike was shy about exposing his feet in such a manner. But he didn’t want to disappoint his new girlfriend … and he really wanted someone he felt comfortable sharing his feet with. Something about a girl washing his feet with her own tongue made him feel more important. And it really tickled. Pretty soon, Spike wanted more and more!
Finally, Spike got tired from all his laughing. Now it was his turn to lick Gabby’s feet. Gabby presented her big feet and wiggled her big toes. Spike was shy about touching Gabby’s feet with his own tongue. But he was feeling very warm with affection, and he wanted to return the favor. Soon enough, Spike found himself enjoying the feeling of Gabby’s paw pads, and his tongue getting squeezed between her toes. And he loved being able to make her laugh uncontrollably! Spike really enjoyed being able to try some things he wasn’t normally comfortable with. The sense of trust between him and his girlfriend made him happy to loosen his personal boundaries.
With more experimenting, Spike and Gabby would find new ways to bring themselves closer. There were some things they wanted to save for marriage … but at this rate, they would probably have a wedding before they knew it!