As mentioned before I might consider doing a friendship is forever comic series that will include friends from other next gens or online. I’m still deciding whether or not to include everyone from the MLP:FIF NextGen or not (probably the mane 7 and guardian 7, some might be background characters or mane characters haven’t decided yet) I know that I will be including
Starshine, and
Galaxy/lightning Dash, and
Diamant as you can see. Anyways I’m just testing out skin tones and designs, for when I do start making character refs for these characters I will send notes to certain people so I know how to humanize their Oc? or how to make them look the way they want.
Anyways The character used belongs to :icondiamant-as: I will send a note or chat when I have time, so far I have a list from my DeviantArt friends that I’ve known for a while. Ok I’m signing off, I have one more piece of comic art to color