This is the Equestria Girls Version of the OC Prince Nova Sparkle Which is from the Fic Cat’s Carlde Written By Shakespearicles. Everything about this Nova Sparkle & the way his family struckture is built up, is the same as in the fic. It is just the Equestria Girls version of it.
Once his Big Sister, now Pricipal Flurry Heart got her new job as a Pricipal, then he also wanted to become a Pricipal. But he wanted to become the Pricipal of Canterlot High School instead. The only problem is that Principal Celestia Refused to leave her job. So it was a HARD! fight with in the system. But with the help of 2 Premanent School Board members (His Mother & His Aunt) & the Head School Board Member (His Grandmother). And together with some deep backstabbings & svere sisterly betrayl from Vice Pricipal Luna. Celestia lost her job, together with her sister Luna. And Nova Sparkle could finaly claim that spot for himself. (Celestia & Luna isn’t on speaking terms with eachother thanks to that).
Principal Nova Sparkle is a Fair & Kind, but very much By The Book kind of Principal. Who holds the pricips of keeping everything in place, at a high regard.
The C On his belt stands for Canterlot High School.