Seems to be a theme of Sunburst recently! First my redesign and now my next gen family
Finally back with one of my mane next gen characters, Firework
Sunburst is a single Father to two lovely fillies, Firework and Firecracker
Firework is the one on top of his head and Firecracker is the one on the ground
Firework is the older sister to Firecracker and she’s already earned her Cutie Mark by the time of this photo, whilst Firecracker hasn’t
Since this is a younger Firecracker, I gave her a different mane style, so she doesn’t start putting it up until she gets older.
Sunburst and Firecracker still reside in the Crystal Empire today, while Firework has moved to Ponyville to live with her friends.
Now with Sunburst being a single father there was obviously a mother at some point in time, thing is, even I don’t know who their mother is. Firework is an old next gen character of mine back when I used a ship I much regret nowadays after watch a theory video from TheBronyNotion/Sawtooth Waves. I loved Firework too much to get rid of her and I’ve never had a ship with Sunburst, so I just made Sunburst be a single father.
Any help trying to figure out who their mother should be would be great, and if you can guess who Firework’s first mother was, you get a brownie! Firework really does show her original mother in her design so there’s a hint.
And before anyone puts Starlight Glimmer, first off she has Trixie and Sunset already and in my head cannon that wouldn’t work out well at all with relations, and two, I’ve never seen Starlight with Sunburst as more than really close friends.