Original Description:
“Sounds to me like you’re scared!”
Name: Thunder Crack
Nicknames: Thunder
Species: Pegasus
Gender: Mare
Pronouns: She/Her
Parents: Scootaloo and Rumble
Sibling(s): Twin Lightening Strike
Sexuality: N/A
Lover: N/A
Occupation: Wants to be a Wonderbolt
Special Talent: Fly so fast soundwave sounds like a crack of thunder
Place of Birth: Ponyville
Date of Birth/Sign: April 14, Aries
Place of Residence: Ponyville
Cutie Mark: Cutie Mark
Voice: Voice
Personality/Background: Thunder was the first out of the twins to get her cutie mark and was quite proud of it. She is confident as well, kind of hard to tell who is more confident out of the twins. She wants to be a Wonderbolt just liker her dad and her idol Prism Bolt. She wants to do all those amazing stunts as well.
Fun Facts: She got her cutie mark when she was in a race with her brother, Lightening. Wants to have a pet snake when she’s a little bit older. Still helps her friends find their cutie marks even if she already has her own.