Original Description:
With the many monstrous creatures in her menagerie, it is inevitable for some of them to be rather vocal. This noise would normally not be a nuisance when Bug didn’t have neighbours, but now that she does, they have a habit of making noise complaints, especially if the Gollox decides to start singing. Thankfully a short conversation is normally enough to iron out any issues, and well if it isn’t the grey glutton has no qualms ending the encounter with a satisfied belch…
My ninety-sixth sketch from Silent_E ‘s patreon.
This bubblegum chomping Bug was kindly coloured by my friend plaguetyranno .
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Also if you’re feeling brave, check out Crazy Water’s Discord, if you dare, it’s where I tend to lurk ;) :
A story in the source as always, please don’t repost in the comments below ;)