Original Description:
Stellaria Lore
-New Dawn’s Leader:
A powerful orange and red Zebra unicorn mare named Solar Flare.
She is the leader of New Dawn with Searing and Blitz as her two top commanders.
She is extremely powerful with fire and mind magic(hence drones being sorta her thing)
Her ultimate goal is the overthrow and capture of the royals.
As we’ve discussed before, her primary strategy is to capture other ponies and convert them into her drones, slowly building her army.
Rather then all out attack and open warfare, she favors stealth and more gentle means of achieving her goals.
She also has a very strong fixation on the Prince, often attempting to capture him for her own dark (and kinky) desires. She sees him as her perfect mate, believing he belongs to and should be with her alone.
She’s basically a Stellaria latex clad supervillain