Original Description:
Tales of Canterlot: Page 2 - FOBO (Fantasy of Bimboing Out)
“She’s had worse requests.”
Previous Page:>>3010289
Next Page:“Coming Soon”
“Forgetting the broad’s buoyant bouffant bumping repeatedly against the door frame as she tried to enter the cab without depressing her hair, there’s also the matter of the sheer wideness of the future fare. While she has a somewhat broad waist, the ridiculous curves of her breasts and backside prove to be as much of a struggle as the woman’s hair. After burning a few precious seconds, there’s a deep breath and an audible pop and the purple-haired woman stumbles into the backseat.
While her passenger struggles to buckle herself in around the enormous breasts, and then secure one that had popped free in her struggle, Cab is quick to spot the target. After all, there are only so many bikes that have half-naked riders. With her fare secured and a roll of her eyes, Cab pulls away from the curb, and begins the pursuit.’’