Original Description:
Shortly after her debut appearance at the end of Make Your Mark Chapter 1 there was a theory which suggested that the then-unnamed Opaline was a corrupted version of Flurry Heart. Perhaps Sombra managed to implant a part of his evil soul deep within the infant’s heart (no pun intended) just before Shining Armor and Cadance discovered him, and said curse would grow as the Princess aged. Kind of like the curse Maleficent placed on Princess Aurora.
The universe of G4 is no stranger to artifacts and magic turning characters into more insane versions of themselves: greedy giant Spike, Trixie with the Alicorn Amulet, demonic Sunset, Flutterbat, Inspirarity, Midnight Sparkle, Gloriosa Daisy, Daybreaker, the Pony of Shadows, Juniper Montage… the list goes on. In the case of Luna, though, it was never made entirely clear whether her jealousy and transformation into Nightmare Moon was her choice or due to dark magic. But what do you guys think? Is G4 history repeating itself in G5? Is there someone in the G5 creative team who hates Flurry Heart and wants to make her evil? I’m all ears.