Original Description:
Originally posted on: May 23, 2021, 3:56 PM UTC
Rainbow Dash are-redesignn
Hey ! So here’s the second one of my mane 6 re-redesign 🙂 The next one is Rarity I think 🤔
So for her redesign I decided to transform her into a racer only and erase her “show” side %%
By the way, all of my redesigns are mostly just focuses on some traits of the characters and erase the rest xD
Her design is based on the “peregrine falcon” which is the fastest bird alive 😁 She has the height of an average pony but she weights a little less.
She wanted to be a racer since she was a filly because of her father who was one of the most famous racer. In this au, the wonder bolts still exists but are less known because of the racers. Indeed, in this au the races evolved a lot thanks to new discoveries in technology, and this new technologies changed some rules in races. Techs like “wings’ supporters” was now authorized in most of the races.
I didn’t draw her with her wings supporters because I was too lazy x) But I’ll probably do it some day