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Knowledge Day - a holiday that is celebrated by all students in Russia on September 1. So my friends and I decided to make a big collaboration! Hope you like it c:

safe2262478 artist:amy-gamy170 artist:anonbelle102 artist:anti1mozg192 artist:atlas-66345 artist:breakdream86 artist:dipfanken210 artist:foxpit227 artist:inowiseei348 artist:koviry607 artist:melloncollie-chan61 artist:muggod24 artist:ramiras199 artist:setharu350 artist:share dast390 artist:sofiko-ko236 artist:taneysha419 princess celestia119504 princess luna124310 twilight sparkle374210 twilight sparkle (alicorn)152299 oc999628 oc:amethyst arkin34 oc:atlas143 oc:gouransion4 oc:kova20 oc:lavrushka99 oc:lemon squeezy31 oc:little mine28 oc:ramiras18 oc:re volta4 oc:share dast79 oc:sofi10 oc:soft spring36 alicorn429905 bat pony79398 earth pony631339 ladybug862 pegasus699661 pony1928449 spider2413 unicorn690287 collaboration7159 alucard230 backpack2653 bat pony oc31250 book44679 bookshelf5597 bowtie15595 braid10399 brush2736 bust86714 butt136086 camera5387 canvas512 card3463 classroom2359 computer8577 cyrillic4581 donut3151 eyes closed139340 floral head wreath3240 flower40987 food104087 freckles47753 glasses92280 glowing horn28088 grin63307 gun21729 handgun4375 hellsing348 hoof hold14056 horn268645 laptop computer3300 looking up24683 magic98776 mouth hold23605 necktie11608 paper airplane99 pencil4909 pistol3111 plot117764 pointer172 portrait42775 russian6186 russian artists21 school of friendship1795 sitting96105 smiling421733 telekinesis38800


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