Original Description: Made another Izzy. This time very light on the hair dye, so the hair is still very cudable. Also an extra large horn ball^^ Embroidery files by LilSyWorkshop Sewing Pattern for the body by one-violet-rose
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Full size BBcode Copy[img]https://cdn.ponybooru.org/img/2022/7/18/3148228/full.jpg[/img] [url=https://ponybooru.org/images/3148228]View on Ponybooru[/url] - [url=https://www.deviantart.com/bastlerrj/art/Shoulder-Plushie-Izzy-Moonbow-922837093]Original source[/url]
Thumbnailed BBcode Copy[img]https://cdn.ponybooru.org/img/2022/7/18/3148228/medium.jpg[/img] [url=https://ponybooru.org/images/3148228]View on Ponybooru[/url] - [url=https://www.deviantart.com/bastlerrj/art/Shoulder-Plushie-Izzy-Moonbow-922837093]Original source[/url]