Original Description:
More art still! This time, a canon character, though many of you might not know her. She’s a pretty rare background mare, appearing in “Once Upon a Zeppelin” and “The Washouts” (possibly more episodes?).
It’s a pity she’s not well known, especially considering the unique mane and tailstyle she has, really original. For this reason, I decided to follow StartledFlowerPony’s example and give her a piece of fanart. :D
What you see in the background is her cutiemark, that I recreated the best way I could by basing it off a rather pixelated screenshot.
Hope you like it! :meow:
AND if you also wish to give an underappreciated horse from the show some fanart, consider checking out this event by StartledFlowerPony! He has gathered a few possible suggestion in a database that you can use to find inspiration. –> https://www.deviantart.com/startledflowerpony/journal/Rare-mare-challenge-thingy-2-819050535
This is SFP’s portrait of Power Chord, which made me discover the character and inspired me to draw my own portrait of her in the first place. –> https://www.deviantart.com/startledflowerpony/art/Power-Chord-817444141