Original Description:
Originally posted on: October 13, 2020, 2:15 AM UTC
The Harmony Cruiser Detail 2: Interior Departments
Here is the second detail about The Harmony Cruiser Interior departments located which also showing where all Mane 6 located and what are their jobs and rank in The Harmony Cruiser.
In here, I will introduce all Mane 6 and others in The Harmony Cruiser.
Princess Twilight Sparkle, The Princess of Friendship, she is the Admiral of The Harmony Cruiser and the leader of The Twilight Team, she is also The Leader of Magic Technology.
Starlight Glimmer, The Secretary of Princess Twilight Sparkle, she is the second in command of The Harmony Cruiser and the Admiral of The Starshine Cruiser, she is also The Assistant Leader of Magic Technology. She will command both cruisers when Twilight and her team are in mission.
Spike, The Personal Assistant of Twilight Sparkle and he is also a communicator to communicate whole Twilight Team.
Applejack, The Leader of Engineering & Mechanical, she is also The Leader of The Royal Land Forces.
Rainbow Dash, The Leader of The Wonder Bolt Squadron, she is also The Leader of Defense System.
Rarity, The Leader of Military Designer, she is also The Inventor of Military Armors and Weapons.
Fluttershy, The Leader of Medic, she is also The Leader of Biological Research.
Pinkie Pie, The Leader of Supply Support, she is also The High Chef of The Harmony Cruiser.
April Iris (A.I.), The Artificial Intelligent of 3 cruisers and the Admiral of The New Life Assault Cruiser. She is a female purple android pony who controls 3 cruisers and supports Princess Twilight and others in any order. Her nick name called AI.
As a fleet of high survivability, The Harmony Cruiser can self-production food, weapons and armors. That’s why The Harmony Cruiser has labs and greenhouse which allows The Harmony Cruiser can stay at space more longer than usual fleet.