Original Description:
It’s that time again! Time for the Equestria Daily Newbie Artist Training Grounds! I had a blast participating last time, and I decided I’d give it a try again this year! =)
The first prompt is ‘Draw a pony standing / Draw a pony stuck in place’. I did a static standing pony last time with my OC Blazewing, so I decided to go with something different this time.
My rotund explorer OC, Tough Cookie, is often prey to tight squeezes, either through small entrances/exits, narrow passageways, or even traps that weren’t designed for larger ponies. Here, she’s fallen partway through a trapdoor, saved from plummeting all the way down by her big belly, and even managing to crack the floor with her weight. She’s pretty much used to this by now, so she’s not too surprised, just kinda resigned to it, lol.