Original Description:
The Mane Six are inside a Phoenix home during the hot weather, which the city experiences very often.
“I’m just glad we aren’t outside!” Applejack said, looking happy that she and her friends weren’t outside, as the city sees so much hotness coming from the sun. “I mean, take a look on the inside, everypony! It just feels a little cooler in this house against the outdoors because indoors looks like the heat is just fine as is.”
“My, I really agree with you, darling.” Rarity replied, as she couldn’t help herself except notice how hot it gets in Phoenix, though likely both indoors and outdoors. “Being outside isn’t really always the best option like some people would say, I guess.”
“I-I feel the same way… Sorta.” Fluttershy nodded, though she still looked a little disappointed that she and her friends are inside instead of being outside much like with several humans are right now.
Elsewhere in the house, Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash are sitting on a couch, the latter reading a book and her robe and slippers on, while Pinkie Pie is closer towards the window, looking at the porch as well as the the city itself.
“Man, I have heard this place receives monsoon thunderstorms.” Twilight Sparkle told her friends, as her mind eventually told her that the city experiences monsoon thunderstorms mostly in the summer, something the Western United States can see a lot in the summer.
“What are “Monsoon thunderstorms”?” Rainbow Dash asked Twilight Sparkle, as she never heard thunderstorms like that before.
Applejack, upon listening to this topic, responded, “Monsoon thunderstorms are something that convective in nature. And when I say that, that means thunderstorms are powered from the intense surface heating outside. Be aware that it can produce damaging winds, intense lightning, wildfires and flash floods.”
“It’s just disappointing that not a single place in Equestria, especially Ponyville, sees monsoon thunderstorms at all.” Pinkie Pie said as her front right hoof touched the glass while still looking at the window.
“Yeah, we just receive the traditional thunderstorms in Equestria.” Fluttershy answered, feeling disappointed that the thunderstorms she sees in her universe are never the ones that are shown in Arizona.
Pinkie Pie was finished looking out the window as jumped on the bed so she could sit back and watch the ponies talk about whatever topic they wished.
“My feelings are that this city will need our help the next monsoon storms arrive!” Rainbow Dash declared, as she feels like the city will need her and her friends help’ with the thunderstorms, with her more likely doing the most helpful pony for the humans.
Rainbow Dash’s friends agreed with this, deciding that saving Phoenix from monsoons would involve Rainbow Dash changing the clouds into lighter ones.
“And when they come, we’ll make sure that the threat isn’t so dangerous with us around!” Applejack said, as she weaken the monsoon thunderstorms with a rope.
“I believe that should be enough for now.” Twilight Sparkle told her friends, as they should get some rest and let that go until they find the right day for the storms to arrive in Phoenix.
“A new day’s a better day, right?” Pinkie Pie asked her friends, in which they replied yes.
After that, the others started sleeping for the night, with Pinkie Pie sleeping in the bed, Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy sleeping on the floor, and Rainbow and Twilight sleeping on the couch.