Original Description:
G5 Ponies in Real Life 2022 - Venice
Summary: In Venice, Sunny and Hitch help out with the people at St. Mark’s Square with dance culture and the traditional food. Meanwhile, Izzy goes on a gondola ride with a man named Giovanni Bianchi, who helps her learn that carnival celebrations, gondola rides, and the beautiful bridges that lies within the city are what matters the most.
Once again, Sunny has made her third consecutive visit throughout the European continent, this time, visiting Venice, Italy, which takes place during the summer. Her friends, Hitch and Izzy, are also with her during this journey in Italy.
“Man, we sure have been visiting Europe a lot lately.” Hitch said as he and Izzy have been the only two ponies so far that have been going out with Sunny on her adventures in the real world.
“Oh, come on, Hitch, there’s several great places in Europe we can visit in the future.” Izzy Moonbow replied with excitement, as she really couldn’t but see more cities in the European continent. “I mean, we could see Berlin, the Netherlands, London, Oxford, and many more cities in the future, too!”
While Sunny was still hearing the two talk about future cities in Europe they could visit, she was more likely concerned about the people in St. Mark’s Square, who are seen dancing and others eating food. A couple humans can be seen wearing traditional clothes and dresses.
“Hey, look.” Sunny pointed out at the humans, watching the humans dancing and eating the delicious food that are usually seen in that country.
Sunny and Hitch decided to go talk with the humans, although Izzy was thinking about something else, since there’s other things she can do in the city besides dancing.
“I’m gonna let them have fun with the humans, and I can have my own way.” Izzy said in her head as she walked alone and she wants something she can do at her own free time. “I wanna try something more interesting, like a gondola ride, or something else.”
“Umm, good morning, everyone.” Hitch told the humans, which resulted in them stopping from dancing and reacted with surprised look on their faces as they recognized him and Sunny in the real world.
“Who are these ponies? Where did they come from?” some people asked, as they never saw ponies like Hitch and Sunny in the beautiful Venice.
Sunny and Hitch walked towards the humans, introducing themselves. “My name’s Sunny and this is my friend Hitch, a stallion I’ve known since childhood, and we are from Maretime Bay, a place where all earth ponies reside.”
“Sorry for the misunderstanding, little ponies.” said one female dancer with yellow hair, forgiving Sunny and Hitch for the confusion over never seeing ponies like them before in the beautiful Venice.
“Me and Sunny wanna help you all with the dancing and prepare with the food for the afternoon.” Hitch told the humans, knowing he and Sunny can be very helpful with the humans as usual. “Why, that’s so thankful for you ponies!” said the same dancer, whose name was Anna.
“No pleasure, ma’am. We are always here to help you humans with whatever you need.” Sunny replied, as she knows the human can trust her and her friends almost all the time.
Hitch, on the other hand, turned his head around when suddenly, that Izzy wasn’t with him and Sunny. “Hey, where’d Sunny go?” He wondered, not knowing Izzy would leave them behind without telling.
“Yeah, where is she anyway?” Sunny replied, as she and Hitch both felt like Izzy has gone far away from the area in St. Mark’s Square.
Meanwhile, Izzy was trotting through the area that was closer towards the water containing the gondolas, until she saw one man with brown hair and blue eyes, standing on his gondola looking silent and having his direction towards the clear blue water. Becoming the human that has just grabbed her attention, she decides to go to him for a ride on his gondola.
“Hi, new friend!” Izzy said, interrupting the man from enjoying his view at the clear water.
As the man turned around, he was startled when he saw a pony behind directly at him with the usual smile on her face. “Y-You actually had me scared a little…” said the man, knowing that anyone appearing behind him would always have unnoticed until he looks at them.
“I didn’t mean to frighten you, I just wanna go on a gondola ride with you.” Izzy told the man, as she was always interested in having a gondola ride.
“Sure, come with me. I always welcome my friends for a gondola ride.” said the man, as he allowed Izzy for a gondola ride throughout the city.
With the two on the gondola ride, they began the ride through the water, and Izzy already felt excited that she gets her first time riding on a gondola. Izzy and the gondolier, using a rowing oar to push the gondola further, also looked at each other calmly, knowing how much it is seeing each other for the first time.
“Anyways, who are you?” Izzy asked the gondolier, wanting to know more about him.
“I am Giovanni Bianchi.” The man said, introducing himself properly towards the happy unicorn. “I have lived in this city for thirteen years, and I’ve been taking the role as a gondolier for only five years.”
Izzy was excited hearing Giovanni’s story, and after he was finished, she decides she should tell him about who she was. “My name’s Izzy, and I’m a unicorn who met an earth pony named Sunny when I first visited Maretime Bay.”
“That sounds like a very happy story.” Giovanni replied in a very calm voice, liking Izzy’s story just as much she likes his story, too.
“Yeah, but the sad part was, we didn’t had magic because it was gone, but with Sunny and the help from her other friends, she helped restored the unicorns’ magic.” Izzy told the man, as her story about how she and her fellow unicorns lost magic was a sad one.
“And where are these friends you speak about?” Giovanni asked Izzy, hoping she would answer him about where her friends are.
“I only have two friends with me at this place.” Izzy the gondolier, as Sunny and Hitch are doing something else, whereas Pipp and Zipp are still in the G5 universe at Zephyr Heights.
Giovanni was happy that Izzy had friends, because without them, she wouldn’t be as happy as she is now.
“That’s likely nice friends you have. I just wish you could take them with you so that I can see them next time you visit this beautiful city.” Giovanni told Izzy, as he believed seeing her friends will interest him next time Izzy and her friends visit.
Furthermore, Giovanni reminded Izzy about three things that matter the most in Italy, saying, “And please, listen carefully, young beautiful unicorn. What matters most for this city are carnival celebrations we do every year, taking a ride on the gondola, and the beautiful bridges that lie within this city. They’ll help you understand that’s what it means about how Venice has been a fabulous city over 200 ears.”
“When will you and the other citizens have another carnival celebration?” Izzy asked Giovanni, wondering why there’s no carnival celebrations going on at the moment.
“Sorry, but I’m afraid we are doing that some time this fall.” Giovanni replied, following the cancellation for the carnival that was originally scheduled for the summer, but was delayed after the weather has been getting too warm from the past couple days.
Izzy giggled about how the carnival celebration in Venice for the summer was delayed, but was pushed forward the autumn season.
“Hey, don’t worry! We could throw you a carnival celebration in my universe and perhaps you’ll like it.” Izzy told Giovanni, giving him her offer, although he denied the offer, as he doesn’t wanna miss the carnival celebration in his universe.
Minutes later, back with Sunny and Hitch, they have finished setting up the food on the table, and it was almost afternoon. The dancers are preparing for the next dance, with Sunny and Hitch wanting a chance for dance as well.
“Looks like it’s almost that time.” Hitch told Sunny, waiting for the clock to reach twelve on the St. Mark’s Clock building nearby.
“I can’t wait for some dance.” Sunny said with excitement, hoping that she can learn the traditional dance moves that the people in Venice have been doing for centuries.
A couple seconds reaching 11:59 have been left in the countdown. Finally, it was twelve, starting the afternoon hours. “Time for some dancing, everyone!” said the dance leader named Armando, playing the classical Italian music, although these musics are instrumental.
Everyone, including Sunny and Hitch, started dancing, feeling the calm traditional Italian music that are played instrumental.
“I just love dancing, dancing, dancing!” Sunny told Hitch, performing some tricks with her dance combo. “I couldn’t find it different that way.” He replied, as he was enjoying the music that was played on the CD.
“I just wish Izzy was with us doing some dancing.” Sunny turned her head around, noticing Izzy has not around several minutes ago, although Izzy was coming back.
However, Izzy was actually 50 inches away from the two, walking closer and closer towards them while they kept dancing with the humans.
“Sunny, Hitch!” Izzy called out, resulting in Hitch and Sunny stop dancing, though the humans still kept dancing anyway despite the two ponies having their names called out just clearly right behind them.
“Looks like Izzy’s finally showed up.” Hitch told Sunny, as they walked over towards Izzy and reunite with each other after her trip on the gondola with Giovanni.
“Glad to see you again, Izzy.” Sunny hugged Izzy, almost at the point where she would cry with joy in her eyes after believing she was never gonna see her again while visiting Venice, though she was still happy that they are still besties since they’ve first met at Maretime Bay.
Now that the three ponies are together again, they resumed dancing with the humans in St. Mark’s Square, and continued dancing with the humans for several minutes until they felt like they were ready to go home.