Original Description:
What if Alphabittle had a punk phase? I mean, he kinda has/had this “bad boy” vibe, and along with Izzy, he also was clearly different from other unicorns.
However, unlike with Izzy’s case, who was more like an outcast, I took this idea in the other direction with being Alpha the one who actually sort of isolated himself from the others, despite being kinda popular. I can totally see him thinking as a teen/young adult: “Heck, I sure don’t wanna be a part of this sad bunch!”. I think he even left Bridlewood at some point, at least once, but that’s an another story.
Back to this pic, overall, I can think of him as a rebel type, who did a lot of crazy things as a young stallion (such as being gone for days without warning, bringing home a lot of knick-knacks which he claims he won in different games and bets, etc.), driving his poor mom, Mallow Mist, crazy.
Not only, she’s being borderline harassed by other random unicorns (mostly by other parents), who constantly tell her: “Misty, your son’s getting out of hooves. He’s a real bad influence to youngsters, do something to him!”
Other than that, she also kinda worried about him, clearly not finding his place in the unicorn society of Bridlewood. Mallow Mist’s own helplessness in this case really frustrates her: she can find a natural remedy for almost any physical wounds and illnesses, yet her knowledge apparently fails her when it comes to the wounds of the soul.
She’s basically like: “Alpha, honey, why are you doing this? We didn’t raise you up like this, did we? You should know better than that!”
So it’s not exactly Alphabittle’s new punk style what made her freak out here (thanks to Alpha, her tolerance level became relatively high), but rather the pent-up frustration is bursting out of her.