Original Description:
His pink coat comes from his grandmother Cookie Crumbles just in case yall curious on that lmao
Name: Watermelon Tourmaline
Nickname(s): Watermelon, Mel, Tourmy
Parents: Sweetie Belle and Spike
Species: 1/2 Dragon and 1/2 Unicorn
Personality: Watermelon, or Tourmy as his family likes to call him, is a sweetheart to many around him. At least that’s what most ponies think. Although he usually has good intentions; he can also tend to be kind of two-faced. He also tends to be a bit of a trickster in order to get the things that he wants. He’s also quite up with the newest of fashions, but often sports some kind of watermelon accessory (Usually it’s his bow tie.). Known to make the sassiest comments and the sweetest encouragement.
Extra Facts and Junk: