Original Description:
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HERE SHE IS! Mater Gaia Galaxia, the one who created it all!! Obviously her design is based on Lauren Faust’s ponysona >w<. She’s the creator and mother of life, matter, galaxies, stars and planets. She’s even the creator of Pater Cronus Cosmos, as she knew she needed balance in her marvelous universe. He’ll be the Yin to her Yang; her love ÓwÒ.
Each world and galaxy are created with love and care, to form a beautiful home for each and every species of their kind. However, the Equestrian world we all know and love was one of the first planets to be made. In it, the creatures of the land were made to resemble their divine creator. All the equine, mythological creatures, and other similar species were given a soul (sentience); as those without sentience were cursed to be game for carnivorous creatures ;w;. However, at the beginning of creation, the main and ruling population of Equestria were equine related species, the three tribes: Terra Equus (respects to Lopoddity >w<), Unicorns, and Avequus (collectively Hippogriffs and Pegasus). They were the cornerstones into keeping their world thriving and alive, as they were all connected to the elements. Terra Equus is Earth, Unicorns are fire and aether, and Avequus (Pegasus and Hippogriffs) were the divided waters of the sky and sea. By working together, through harmony, the land of Equestria will be united, orderly and complete.
Well, that’s unfortunately it ;w;. But I will continue on Equestria’s history a bit in my upcoming post. I just wanted to create a nice illustration of Mater Gaia Galaxia at work ^^. I hope y’all are having a fantastic day!! I love y’all 💖💖!! Thank you for your time and constant support! Feel free to ask questions and give thoughts anywhere ^^! And as always, GOODBYE FOR NOW! ÓwÒ
☆ https://www.deviantart.com/theartfox2468/art/Star-AU-HC-Types-of-BIRDS-895878535
☆ (Again, Galaxia and Cosmos aren’t Celestia and Luna’s parents XP. However, they did bestow alicorn magic unto them with the guidance of Starswirl’s spell) https://www.deviantart.com/theartfox2468/art/Eternal-Love-749190737