In my headcannon, Lucien frames Morbius to play Twylight and her comrades to attack him as part of a plan to turn him against Equestria. But Rainbow, Fluttershy, the CMC, Fizzlepop, Pinkie, Derp, Whooves, and Flurry who’d seen Morbius’s humanity bust Lucien as Hunger. And when Twylight range about the trickery, Hunger points out her hypocrisy since she used many and tries to tempt Morbius to take revenge on her for endangering Martin’s Bancroft. But Morbius refuses.
Also on headcannon, Lucien wears a bowtie. As Hunger, he wears a super suit; a double-breasted trenchcoat of leather (opposing Morbius’s synthetic leather trenchcoat), a single breast waistcoat of moleskin (opposing Morbius’s safari vest), a pinstripe shirt (opposing Morbius’s plain shirt), a paisley cravat (opposing Morbius’s shenmagh scarf), an ikat scarf, corduroy trousers (opposing Morbius’s cargo trousers), leather gaiters (opposing Morbius’s canvas ones), and war boots (opposing Morbius’s hiking ones).
Also on headcannon, Lucien wears a bowtie. As Hunger, he wears a super suit; a double-breasted trenchcoat of leather (opposing Morbius’s synthetic leather trenchcoat), a single breast waistcoat of moleskin (opposing Morbius’s safari vest), a pinstripe shirt (opposing Morbius’s plain shirt), a paisley cravat (opposing Morbius’s shenmagh scarf), an ikat scarf, corduroy trousers (opposing Morbius’s cargo trousers), leather gaiters (opposing Morbius’s canvas ones), and war boots (opposing Morbius’s hiking ones).