Original Description:
My gal, Firecracker the Shadowbolt, out there fightin’ to liberate Zebra-occupied Seaquestria and Mr. Aris–I mean FRANCE!!
The joke is based on the best running gag from this video by SovietWomble and the also honestly, overall hilarious people who ended up in the video [Caution: Vulgarity]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKrwnPEKi5c&t=235s
My most heartfelt thanks to De! He did a great job of making my vision come to life! I mostly did work on the font. Please go check him out on Twitter, if you can! https://twitter.com/DES_Arts1/status/1508570815335436292
Firecracker is (c) of myself, Fire-Heart.