Original Description:
You find yourself transported to the city of Mare-tropolis, the home city of the Power Ponies. So what comes across your mind? Maretropolis is also where the Mane-iac has been known to appear and cause havoc in droves at night so it falls upon you to go to the museum and guard the Electro-Orb. Once there you just happen to see it ‘FZZZ’ and ‘Pop’ randomly with a spot of dirt on the surface. The curator wouldn’t notice the difference if you dusted it to make it shine.
But once you rub the spot off of the Electro-Orb, it sparks even more causing you to drop the orb once sprouts of green hair sprout outside.
“muahahahahahaha, BUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” A familiar cackle explodes as the choatic green hair twisted to and fro almost as if it acted in a cyclonic manner making your blood run cold as the familiar shape of the Mane-iac faced upward laughing still “Free! Free at last! I cannot imagine what it was to be free! And now that I am…I can take my revenge on the Power Ponies!! Haha! Whoohahahahaha! AHAHAHAHAHA!”
…Well you certainly opened a can of hairspray now.
Finally I got this piece done and over with. So the piece was what if I could make the Mane-iac a genie and try to make her hair curl and coil like a cyclone of sorts or just have her in a condition like so. Well I couldn’t have done it without Bahakuhaku and her Mane-iac artwork with the power ponies.
drawn by johnathon-matthews me