A rumor started to roll around in a small town near the woods. A rumor closely tied to recent disappearances of the local citizens. Some were telling about artifacts spread across the forest, hanging off trees usually, named Purple Swirls. Those looked like pendants with a large gem in the middle, purple, glowing too. It is surrounded by the swirling cage made of metal, hence the name. The rumors said that whoever looks on those from too close of a distance for longer than a couple seconds, wouldn’t be able to move their gaze away anymore, mesmerized, falling under a hypnotic spell. Soon after that, a dark figure would come and claim them, disappearing right after. Half of the town would believe those stories, the other half would not. Yet, the disappearances continued, and in greater numbers. Did someone want to try and find those pendants, probably to snatch them and sell for a fortune? Who knows…