Original Description:
Wars suck.
There is a huge number of victims among the inhabitants of Ukraine - not only the wounded and dead, but also people who lost their friends and relatives, homeless, forced to live in constant fear.
There will only be more victims in the future. At times more; perhaps dozens of times. Because of propaganda and information warfare. Because of the sanctions. Because of the hate.
Yes, I’m talking about the inhabitants of Russia and neighboring countries. And also about those people who have moved to live in another place, but will face it anyway.
One of my acquaintances - a guy whom I had warm feelings for - recently told me: “You [Russians] deserve it. People should be responsible for their choice.”
And now I can’t think of anything else. I can’t read, I can’t draw, I can’t even sleep: my head hurts terribly because of the stress.
What kind of choice should ordinary citizens, not politicians and not the military, be responsible for? For the choice to start a war?
None of us had any say!
…Or maybe we - each of us - should be responsible for the choice to be born in Russia?
Should I feel ashamed for being Russian? Will my family and I be hated just because we are from Russia? What will happen next? How far will the oppression and humiliation of people who managed to escape from Russia go? Will there be even more victims - not only victims of the war in Ukraine, but also of the civil war? And how many people must die without jobs, housing, food and medicine before all this is over?
I’m really scared.
I don’t want war. Never wanted it.
And all I can now is just write this text. Just try at least in this way to support all the victims, from all sides.
Please be kind to each other. Please, be safe.
Wars suck.