Original Description:
Originally posted on: December 10, 2018, 2:39 PM UTC
MLP [Next Gen] Mantent and Muffin Mac
I n f o r m a t i o n
Name: Mantent
Gender: male
Species: unicorn
Age: 20
Personality: strong, funny, VERY talkative
Mother: Sugar Belle*
Father: Big Mac**
Siblings: Muffin Mac (twin brother), Gulnara (younger sister)
Name: Muffin Mac
Gender: male
Species: unicorn
Age: 20
Personality: calm, reasonable
Mother: Sugar Belle**
Father: Big Mac**
Siblings: Mantent (twin brother), Gulnara (younger sister)
Short bio: His father was married twice: the first time to Sugar Belle, the second time to Marble Pie. Belle did not mind that Big Mac would have two wives at the same time.
Therefore, when Mantent was 3 years old, he had a younger sister Gulnara. He was friendly with his sister and called Belle and Marble his mothers.
Unfortunately, he is the only member of the Apple and Pie family who does not know how to cook. Generally can not. Most often, his food explodes (MAGIC)
But he does not lose heart and continues to help sisters from the Apple and Pie family in cooking. Most often, he brings them apples, dough, eggs, and more.*
Art by DinkyDooLove
Base by Alina-Brony29
Base 102
Base #14