Original Description:
Originally posted on: August 16, 2020, 6:42 PM UTC
[MLP NEXT GEN] Yeah, the house is like Hell
Base by ReroriR
This is Apple Bloom with her triplets, Pear Crumble, Pippin and Chocolate Apple Crisp (left to right). Whilst they are her blood-related children, she has one adopted child, Cinnamon Bun, who was named Cinnamon Belle at birth. She unfortunately had to call social services on her childhood friend and coworker, Sweetie Belle, after Sweetie’s mental state got so bad she could not care for her child in the way she needed. Apple Bloom helps her siblings run the farm, she has a summer job at Cutie Mark Camp with Scooter and *OCCASIONALLY *Sweetie Belle, though Sweetie holds harsh feelings, believing that Bloom ‘stole her baby’, even though Apple Bloom has made it abundantly clear to Cinnamon that Sweetie is her biological mother and she’s free to return any time she wants to; Cinnamon simply does not want to, and she of course, raises her children full-time with her husband Pipsqueak.