Original Description:
Luster Dawn: Do I have to do this, Princess Twilight..?
Twilight Sparkle: It’s for the best, Luster.
Luster Dawn: What do I gain from making friends, exactly?
Twilight Sparkle: (She would reminisce about the fun times with her own friends, smiling.) Lots of laughter and good times..
Luster Dawn: But I don’t need that. Can’t we just go back to Canterlot so I can focus on my studies?
Twilight Sparkle: If that’s what you want the most, then alright.. (She sighed.)
Luster Dawn: Wonder-
Twilight Sparkle: On one condition.
Luster Dawn: ..Yes?
Twilight Sparkle: Before you go back to Canterlot, you have to check the preparations for the festival.
Luster Dawn: Of the Two Sisters?
Twilight Sparkle: Mhm!
Luster Dawn: Isn’t that in Canterlot, though..?
Twilight Sparkle: It’s in all of Equestria, Luster. I’m just asking you to check it in Ponyville, since we’re already here.
Luster Dawn: Alrighty..
Twilight Sparkle: And I know for sure you’ll do great. (She smiled at her protege.)
Luster Dawn: I.. guess. (She looked at her mentor with a rather unsure look.)
Hopefully this story makes sense! Twilight pulled up Celestia’s old card.