Original Description:
The Misadventures of the two King Sombra’s: The Duel. Part 4.
The Evil King Sombra plants his hind hooves on Tick Tock Crocodiles jaws to prevent the Crocodile from Shallowing him again while the Good King Sombra is enjoying the show but eventually uses his magic to bring the Evil King Sombra back aboard the ship saving the Evil King Sombra from being the Crocodiles lunch. What adventures will these two get themselves into? Only time will tell.
Tick Tock Crocodile ©Disney
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic ©Hasbro Studios
Maps and Models used:
[DL] King Sombra
The King of Lizards! VJ Animals
Yunpol’s FETH - Armory