Original Description:
Originally posted on: December 19, 2019, 7:59 PM UTC
Gigantamax Zecora
Name: Zecora
Species: Shaman Ponymon
**Type: **Poison/Fighting
Ability: Corrosion
Gmax Move: Gmax Brew - The user attacks the target with an
acidic sludge wave. This also cures all allies with potions.
**PonyDex Entry: **
Zecora can produce a universal liquid that can cure any ailment. This
brew is dangerous only towards her enemies.
**NOTE: **
So you might be wondering about Zecora’s typing. I made her Poison since
in the show there are preconceived notions about her being an evil witch who
puts curses on other ponies, and Fighting due to the alternate timeline in Season five.