Original Description:
Originally posted on: December 6, 2016, 3:18 AM UTC
Two Sides
Wow. It’s been… like… 2 weeks since I posted anything. cries
Anyhoo, onward!!!
So, for those of you who don’t know, these two ponies are Prism (lighter colored) and Spectrum (darker colored). I gave the ma bit of a makeover from the originals (bios here: The Dash-Soarin Kids) I just figured that they looked a little cliche for Soarindash kids.
The three flat characters are (from top to bottom) Jade, Lancer, and Violet. (introduced here: Mean) They’re BFFs with Spectrum, but find it entertaining to make fun of Prism.
With Spectrum, these three are the best pals a pony could ask for! They lavish her with compliments, squabble over gossip with each other, talk about crushes with her, and are always there when she’s upset. They really are good friends, until Prism comes into the picture:
Since 1st grade, these four have been slowly whittling Spectrum down, starting at harmless little jokes behind her sister’s back, then to teasing, then to straight out insulting Prism in her face. All this has happened so gradually that Spectrum hasn’t really noticed. She has convinced herself that Prism is just getting crankier, instead of believing the truth that she’s actually bullying her own sister.
The three friends have always been jealous of Prism, even though she’s only a little better than Spectrum at athletics. There’s just something about the quiet mare that gets under their skin. They constantly degrade and ridicule everything Prism does. At first, in the 1st and 2nd grade, Prism tried to be friends with these ponies. After all, they were her sisters friends, and up until that point, she and Spectrum had been very close, so why shouldn’t the friends of her sister be her friends.
After two years of trying to be nice to them, Prism gave up. Her BFF is Thalia, now, and the two are rarely seen apart. But Lancer, Jade, and Violet still love to make fun of their friend’s sister every chance they get. One month, Rarity and Spike had to spend a month in Canterlot (business and military stuff) and the three bullies took this opportunity to be even nastier, both physically and verbally, to Prism. It was a very low point or Prism, and she became very depressed. (more on that later…?)
Anyway, I really enjoyed doing this pic. It helped me take a breather from all my commissions, and I really enjoyed doing the edge lighting for the heads on Prism’s side of the drawing. 🙂 Let me know whatcha think!