Original Description:
Originally posted on: April 5, 2017, 3:40 AM UTC
Family Picture : Dash Family
Here’s the picture of the family together, Rainbow here is as her usual trying to look as awesome and cool as possible, Dumbbell is very proud of his family and very close to Mockingbird, he’s not aware of the fact that she’s a bully to other ponies and his “son”.
Chase isn’t close at all with his “father” but tries to be. Dumbell doesn’t find Chase interesting, they don’t have the same interest or other things. Same for Rainbow, she’s always training with the wonderbolts and doesn’t have time for him, she feels sad when she look at him, knowing that he’s not the son of his husband and she feels very guilty, because when she was pregnant of Chase, she had to keep training even tho Spitfire had give her maternity leave, and she got hurt pretty bad at times hiding these accident to Dumbbell.
She thinks again time to times that Chase had some damaged in his brain at birth, and that’s why he have trouble to keep focused on simple things.
Yaaay it taked me a long time to draw this hope you’ll like it ! Jumin Mystic Messenger 1