Original Description:
Stratiny is the daughter of Party Favor and Flitter. Blind by birth, it is located like bats thanks to ultrasound and lives especially at night. She has the talent of understanding nocturnal animals as well as some species of birds.
Armore is the daughter of Reformed Sombra and Radiant Hope. After their quest to find the Princess Armor, the couple eventually returned without the slightest proof that she had survived. Years later, they ended up giving birth to a small unicorn, gifted with crystal magic, in which they saw the reincarnation of the princess.
Beetles is the son of Princess Luna and Prince Pharynx. In order to follow his royal line, the young hybrid was sent to the school of the royal guards, under the orders of Shining Armor. Beetles hates his destiny, just wanting to live like a normal changeling.