Original Description:
Hey! I’m back from a short break- I got my wisdom teeth out which was f u n, but anyway, I’m going back to MLP redesigns, this time with Luna! TBH I like Luna’s design quite a bit already, but I wanted to use some darker colors on her palette and add some more embellishments. I gave her some accessories that symbolize the night sky, and I changed her wings to bat wings to better reflect the creatures of the night associated with her and the moon. I also wanted to incorporate a little bit of Nightmare Moon, so their designs wouldn’t be quite as disconnected. She was really, really fun and I loved adding the glow to her eyes, freckles, markings and cutie mark. I imagine that she twinkles just like the stars in the sky, and when she’s flying overhead at night, she’s practically invisible since she blends in so well. Luna is my favorite princess, so I was really looking forward to doing her design. I think it turned out great!